Pat Fenner

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Podcast Production, Management & Coaching

Deliver a value-packed podcast that serves your listeners, builds your business...and doesn't stress you out!



My Services

Spotlight Day

Spotlight Days”, where I work intensively with you on YOUR agenda.

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Pod Prod Newsletter

Help yourself to my monthly newsletter "Pod(cast) Prod(uction) Tips

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Capsule Podcast

A limited amount of episodes - usually 4-6 that can be used in variety of ways:

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Perhaps you’ve found yourself saying one (or more) of these things to yourself…

  • “Everybody tells me I should start a podcast, but the idea of getting started leaves me totally confused.”
  • “I hear about podcasts everywhere but I have NO idea how the whole process works.”
  • “Meh, I’m not even convinced that a podcast could help my business. There are a ton of shows in my market, and anyway, who wants to hear what I have to say?”

If any of these sound familiar, you’re in the right place! I help business owners develop, plan, release, and market a high-quality podcast to grow customer relationships, establish their expertise, boost brand visibility, and develop an engaging marketing channel.

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 Get "Pod(cast) Prod(uction) Tips"

If you’re not quite ready to commit, but you’re the least bit curious… Try my “Pod Prod Tips” - a little of something for everyone, whether you’re an aspiring podcaster or an experienced host…

I think it’s just as important to know a little bit about the real person behind the businesswoman, and to that end, you can read more about me here, as well. But for starters, here are some other tidbits:


  • I love coffee...but not coffee-flavored things;
  • Sometimes I talk too much and too fast - I have a hard time bridling my enthusiasm;
  • I'm a firm believer in practicing gratitude, reading the print version of a book whenever possible, and the Oxford comma.
  • Finally, I love to make a connection over a chat and a cuppa coffee! So, schedule a free, no-obligation discovery call today and we can explore working together - I’m looking forward to meeting you!
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